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Duke Nukem Forever


Fixing Duke Nukem Forever Part 2 - Article - By Sean Colleli - Posted on 11/22/2011
Fixing Duke Nukem Forever Part 1 - Article - By Sean Colleli - Posted on 11/21/2011
Duke Nukem Forever - Review - By Cyril Lachel - Posted on 6/27/2011
Duke Nukem Forever - Review - By John Yan - Posted on 6/27/2011
Duke Nukem Forever - Preview - By Tina Amini - Posted on 2/10/2011
Does Duke Nukem matter any more? - Article - By Charles Husemann - Posted on 2/28/2008


The Duke gets a comic book - Posted 4/18/2011
Trailer for Duke Nukem Forever - Posted 1/21/2011
Duke Nukem Forever at PAX - Posted 9/3/2010
Is Duke Nukem Forever done? - Posted 9/2/2010
Another Duke Nukem teasing - Posted 11/30/2009
Duke Nukem Forever artwork - Posted 5/10/2009
Duke Nukem Forever models - Posted 12/19/2008
More Duke Nukem Forever goodness - Posted 12/20/2007
Duke teaser online now - Posted 12/19/2007
Another rooster tease for Duke - Posted 6/19/2007
In-game shot of Duke Nukem? - Posted 1/26/2007
Some news on Duke Nukem Forever - Posted 4/12/2006