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Sheyne Bittner


Staff Writer


As a kid I always wanted to play board games and would drive my parents and brother crazy with my never ending requests for 'just one more game'. When I think back, my competitive nature stands out as the main reason for wanting to play again and again.... I wanted to WIN! So naturally, when I played Pong for the 1st time, as a 12 year old on a family vacation, I could not get enough. I needed to get a better score and bounce that pixel as it moved ever faster until I couldn't keep up. I know I just aged myself but that is Ok. I grew up when video games were just beginning to evolve, playing on all of the 1st generation consoles and spending hundreds of dollars in the arcades, that high score had to be mine. Then it was on to computer games, Oregon Trail in the computer lab at school, and some Castle Wolfenstein on the monochrome monitor too. This love of gaming never left and I never stopped playing video games. The quality, quantity and variety of games available now is astonishing and being a PC gamer, it is endless. There is nothing like it in all the entertainment world and you definitely cannot beat the cost to hour of entertainment games provide. I play games from various genres, but especially enjoy simulations, FPS and survival games. 

Currently Playing: Clanfolk  Escape from Tarkov  The Binding of Isaac  Raft 
Last 20 Articles:
Survival: Fountain of Youth