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The Warframe wake up call

by: Rob -
More On: Warframe Destiny 2 Destiny 2: The Final Shape

While the games Warframe and Destiny 2 have never really been at odds to each other, the communities have often intersected. There have been countless tales of Destiny players, fed up with a misstep here or there by Bungie, finally calling it quits and often landing in the waiting arms of Digital Extremes' free to play. As other looter-shooter "Destiny Killers" have come and died, Warframe has been the only constant alternative albeit mostly standing quietly in Bungie's shadow. 

But as Destiny has now concluded it's 10 year journey in the Final Shape and as they start to shape the plans for the next phase of the game's journey with Frontiers, players are getting bored and frustrated with this year's Episodes content that has done little to mix up a stale template for the game or inspire excitement for the coming months. To that end, content creators are already struggling to generate new material without at least supplementing their output by dipping into other games, while others are moving on entirely. It was in this wake that a video dropped into my Youtube timeline by Legendary Drops:

I am not familiar with Legendary Drops and have never seen his content before, but simply taking the video on it's own merit - it's a bit of a love letter to not only Warframe but the journey the studio took to take the game to where it is, or even launch it all, and how they have listened to their fan base at every step of the way, doing many things that you would never see other, more profit-obsessed studios following through with. There is no mention of Destiny in Legendary Drop's video, the contrast is made purely between Digital Extremes and what they are doing right with as opposed to what the games industry as a whole is seeking and how they are flailing or failing. But a popular Destiny content creator, Aztecross, posted a reaction video today and all of this is on the heels of one of my favorite Destiny build creators, Mactics, jumping into Warframe with both feet a little over a month ago and barely producing any Destiny Content since. That, with the community history, really is making this perhaps the most opportune time for Destiny fans and veterans to cast a long look over at Warframe.

Now, I have no idea if the Destiny community will actually migrate over to Warframe. I doubt it will en masse as the opportunity to do so has been sitting there for long enough and never really hit a tipping point before. But... it doesn't mean I can't do a thing. And while Warframe's overall art and visual aesthetic has never really appealed to me, I wouldn't want to miss out on a trick for want of ever giving it a fair shot.