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The SNES version of Doom is returning via Limited Run Games with all new features

by: Nathan -
More On: DOOM

Limited Run Games is releasing a physical edition of a game I never thought would see the light of day again. Doom! Well not the PC version that has a billion ports, the long forgotten SNES version of the game. Yes the SNES version of Doom is getting a re-release but not just a straight port. It's an enhanced version with various updates.

This version will include the following...

  • 14 additional levels
  • Enhanced performance
  • Added circle strafe
  • Monsters respawning on Nightmare difficulty
  • Level codes
  • Rumble support via an all new controller 

This is pretty insane and I am excited to see how the hell they are going to pull this off. The SNES version of Doom was actually the first version I played and honestly back then I didn't realize how bad the game actually was. That said it is quite impressive they were able to get all they did on th cartidge and the one thing I remember the most about that game is the amazing music. I would play that game just to listen to the music at times. The original SNES version already pushed that system to it's limits so I am going to be very interested to see how they add all those features when they weren't possible in the original game. 

The Limited Run Games version of SNES Doom will be released in 2025.