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2v8 mode in Dead by Daylight coming very soon

by: Nathan -
More On: Dead By Daylight

After years of being on the market, Dead by Daylight is finally getting a brand new game mode and this one looks like it's going to be a ton of fun. 2v8 will be debuting in Dead by Daylight soon and will feature two killers taking on eight survivors. This won't just be the normal game mode as it appears that this mode will include some special rules to go along with it like special abilities for characters and a new hook system. 

I have played a ton of Dead by Daylight but honestly, I haven't played in years because the game just got so stale to me doing the same thing over and over for so long. I cannot wait for this because this sounds like it's going to be absolute insanity. It may end up being an unbalanced mess, but I am hoping it's a fun unbalanced mess. 

The first iteration of the 2v8 game mode will run from July 25th to August 8th.