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We played MultiVersus' full release

by: Joseph -
More On: MultiVersus

Well it happened. After all the hype, and teaser videos, and huge additions to the roster, Warner Brothers Interactive has finally released MultiVersus, The long-awaited platform fighter containing your favorite Warner Bros. characters released May 28th for PS4/5, Xbox One/Series, and PC/Steam, and I got a pretty good session in for that first stream. 

First off, this game is Free to play, and full cross play, which means you can play it on all the things, with full cross play with rollback, and cross progression, meaning that once you login to your Warner Bros. account, all your progress comes with it. Even the progress you made in the beta. Some of that is converted, but more on that later. You also get a special gift for being loyal. How fun is that?

All the characters from the beta is here, including Iron Giant, and Velma, so sorry about your early losses. WB went and added The Joker (Batman), Jason Vorhees (Friday The 13th), Banana Guard (Adventure Time), and to be added later, Agent Smith (The Matrix). This opens the door for all the possibilities, as Lebron James is here from Space Jam 2, as well as Arya Stark. I would be lying if I didn't say I wasn't excited to see who is coming next. 

One of the shiny and new additions to the game are Rifts. These are Player VS Enemy modes to unlock more items, and get experience for the fighter's pass. These also surround a character in the game. You can choose the difficulty, the more difficult, the more rewards. And some of these come with daily rewards as well. With each fight, you can gain more rewards from meeting requirements for the match, like a number of down attacks, and fighting with a DC character. These fights can be 1v1, 1v2, or even sometimes mini games such as break the targets, and shoot the balloons. Each rift has a boss at the end, and once you defeat the boss, you can get points. If you get enough points, you can unlock Agent Smith two weeks before his release later this season. You can also play this with a friend with couch co-op, or online, which is pretty cool! 

The amount of currency, is probably the most overwhelming. There is Gleamium, which is the premium currency. There is fighters currency, prestige currency, and gem currency. These all buy different things for your character and custom profile options. Some of these options come in packs, so you can easily just buy a bundle for the Gleamium you have. Costumes, backgrounds, taunts, and even announcer voices are all here. None of these, however, improve your game except for Gems. Gems help you in rifts. You just have to have the right Gems for the Rifts in order for them to be effective. Chaos gems only work in Chaos rifts, and so on and so on. Buy these before you take on the rifts. Makes them a LOT easier and manageable. 

The fighters pass will automatically be upgraded to the premium pass, but only if you played the beta years back. If you didn't it's ok. You may not need it right now, unless you're into that sort of thing. The other progression is individual fighters progression. The more you use a fighter, the more currency and items get unlocked for that particular character. The game wants to constantly reward you in quite possibly every single way it can, for just playing the game. This is what is going to keep Multiversus alive for a very long time, in my opinion. It's a little grindy, but it is free to play. 

It's still slower than Smash Bros., but I think that's ok. There are still some problem characters, like Iron Giant, and my Warner Bros. version of Link, Finn, but I think there's something here for everyone. I streamed this for two and a half hours, and I didn't even realize I was playing for that long. The game is very impressive. They really did it. I had very low expectations for this game, and now, I want to take it to it's limits. Multiversus has the potential to have that lasting Fortnite magic, and I myself, can't see what they think of next. The Joker, and Jason definitely put me over the edge. Not bad WB. Not bad. If you wanna see more game play, check out the video below. We will be streaming this often, as all my friends love it. It's growing on me, for sure. Poison Ivy? Please?