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WWE2K24: I gave 'My Faction' a title shot

by: joseph -
More On: WWE 2K24

Well, the only thing that I would love 2K to get rid of in the WWE2K24 games, is the My Faction feature. The card game based, and mostly single player mode just seems like another thing just shoved into the game to capitalize on the virtual currency (VC) aspect of the game, and I get it, but that doesn't mean I will enjoy it. So, since I hadn't touched it since 2K22, I thought I'd give it a shot. I would like my time back in Virtual Currency. 

First things first. There is ALOT to do here, and again, it's a mostly single player experience, but think of it as a trading card game, except you actually get to wrestle the superstars you collect. Every day you login gets you a reward. In order to win the loyalty reward, you have to log in 5 out of the 7 days. That's a lot of commitment, but you know, what else do you have to do? Get those rewards, whether they be faction points, or faction tickets, or even customization items. 

You have your own save slot, and can set up as many factions you want. You have a men's and women's division, and each division has 4 slots. In addition, some cards come with customizable sideplates, which are attachable perks. You can get attributes like kicking out of pins easier, or punching harder. They only last for a certain number of matches. Once you set these, you can dive right in. With every mode, you always walk away with something. 

The first mode available is live events. These are timed events, and can net you My Faction Points, and even packs, if you meet the requirements during the match. This, like other matches, will make or break your success in each mode. These are found in your pause menu. Break out taunts, damage your opponent, pull of signature and do special moves. When you do these things, you are rewarded with My Faction Points (MFP), and the reward for completing the match. The caveat here, is that if you don't have the correct superstar's card in your inventory, and in your faction, tough luck, you have to wait. 

Faction Wars requires "Faction Tickets" to enter. Make note that you cannot run one of your factions if you have a free agent card in it. (Wuck?) They will give you the opportunity to use a different card. You get armor for each superstar, which means any damage done to a card during the match will be permanent after the armor is the depleted. You get 5 stages per show. You will face opponents 1 on 1, or even just get items and/or MFP for your completion along the way. The first one is just a run through, while every one after, you choose your own path. At the end of each one, you face a boss, which pits your faction, and all it's damage, against a faction of the game's choice. At the end, ONE of the cards representing the team you just beat gets put in exchange pool. Overwhelmed yet? Yes. Me too. 

Weekly Towers just keep populating as long as the game is supported. The game was at 10 weeks at the time as I was playing, so I had 10 weeks worth of challenges and rewards. You cannot play the next weeks tower until you finish the previous one. There are stipulations, and match types littered all through this mode. If you meet all the requirements in the tower, you win a card. If there's a mode within My Faction to play, this is probably the one I'll play the most, if at all.

There's a mode called Proving Grounds, which is similar to Towers, except it's turned up to 13. It's just another way to earn rewards, which is cool. But I skipped this one, after finding out I would have to unlock 90 medals. And you only get 5 medals, if you beat your opponent on the hardest difficulty, AND meet all the match requirements. I got beat by an AI Create a Wrestler called "Silence'". I stopped shortly after this.

I did play online mode, in a custom My Faction arena, against a very non toxic opponent, and pulled out the win, which seemed for nothing. It was a ranked match. I do not see the point of this. Did people ask for this? I'm putting my crappy starter card against someone who may have bought a diamond card. What is the meaning of this? Why is it here? I have so many questions. 

If there are people who enjoy this mode, then they can have their fun with it. There's gotta be another way for people to use VC in the game. Maybe different or throwback ring gear, or entrance music. Even entrance elements. There are ways to unlock some of those in My Faction, but are you going to grind enough to find Finn Balor's Demon Entrance? Perhaps. The good news is, within the now SIX patches for the game, the game is looking a lot better, and raised the score for me to an 8. I'm also having a ton of fun with the GM mode. As you can tell by the excitement slowly leaving this mini review, these will be the last words you'll hear about My (Dissatis)Faction.