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Another day, another NiGHT

by: Randy -
More On: NiGHTS: Journey of Dreams
if NiGHTS: Journey of Dreams didn't dump a new video or set of screenshots every week, then I'd honestly never sense the passage of time.  (Please tell me you caught the sarcasm.)  Sega's got more dreamy pics of their latest, with these screens focusing on their newest feature, "Persona Masks."  These Persona Masks can polymorph your character at any time after you initially uncover them in a treasure chest, and go by the heady names of Dolphin, Dragon, and Rocket.  Sega says that the trick is to know when to use what mask.  (I take it the Dolphin mask is a solid choice if you need to end up in a can of fresh tuna in light oil.)

Persona Mask Summary:


Dolphin Mask:

The Dolphin Persona mask gives NiGHTS to transform into a dolphin. Normally, NiGHTS cannot swim underwater, using the dolphin mask will give the NiGHTS ability to go underwater finding new paths to explore that were unreachable before.


Rocket Mask:

With the Rocket Persona, NiGHTS is able to assume the form of a rocket. As you might expect, the main attribute of a rocket is speed! Instead of NiGHTS’ usual graceful flight, you can now blast full speed ahead! When used properly, this increased speed can be used to reach rings and other items further away.


Dragon Mask:

The Dragon Persona mask, NiGHTS can become a dragon. While the speed compared to other Personas is much lower, NiGHTS instead becomes unaffected by either wind or gravity, enabling NiGHTS to move through the air freely. Now, wind currents that might have kept NiGHTS at bay before will pose no obstacle.


Game Summary:


Unlike any other game available today, NiGHTS: Journey of Dreams will deliver the feeling of flight through the innovative Wii Remote™.  Players will glide, spiral and loop through a variety of mystical dream worlds packed with action and adventure as they dive and blast through rings, gather orbs and come up against fantastic and unforgettable boss battles. Anchored by a storyline about courage, hope and inspiration, NiGHTS: Journey of Dreams is an ideal game for the entire family.      


NiGHTS: Journey of Dreams unfolds in Nightopia, the spectacular dream world of two young characters, Helen and Will.  Struggling to overcome the every day challenges of growing up, these two 12-year-olds find their real life experiences spilling over into their dreams.  As Helen and Will fall into a deep sleep, they are greeted by NiGHTS, a fantasy jester, who leads them to explore the rich and vibrant land of Nightopia.  Along the way, NiGHTS helps the youngsters bravely face their fears by finding inventive ways to confront, outpace, and outwit foes -- such as the villainous Nightmarens. Through the freedom of flight, execution of stunning acrobatic moves and tapping into special abilities that enable gamers to combat danger and restore peace to Nightopia.


At launch, NiGHTS: Journey of Dreams will also feature a two-player mode, network support and reawaken the Artificial Life (A-Life) feature in NiGHTS: Journey of Dreams, which gives gamers the freedom to oversee and develop their own sandbox environment enabling them to capture, raise, and even combine the inhabitants from the world of Nightopia.