Mario Kart is a game that envelops the legacy of its namesake. Across Nintendo consoles, each one's Mario Kart outsells all other titles on the platform.
No other kart racing game has risen to the challenge of usurping this giant. But YouTuber MML's Commentaries has an idea of certain ways in which other kart racers have done certain aspects better than the core game.
He picks apart things like the rigged item system, in which leading racers will get weaker items and lagging racers will get stronger, or how the game's imperfect implementation of the power slide can lead to exploitation. For that latter point, he points to the remake of Crash Team Racing, which I recently reviewed. He cites that game's power slide as beneficial, but I found that the game overly relied on the technique in order for players to get ahead, thus being an unnecessary game mechanic that came to be much too emphasized.
It's a great watch at only 5 minutes, and really gets down on how Mario Kart could improve itself. Check it out.