Been awhile since I posted any Rock Band news, but this week there is a lot of free stuff coming and happening with the game. Harmonix announced that the DLC this week will be free and contain four songs. The ReverbNation Pack 01 is being released to honor ReverbNation for helping millions of emerging artists get exposure to allow them to progress in their careers. The DLC is a culmination of Harmonix and ReverbNation Artists who wanted their music included in Rock Band. They sent in their best, and the four finalists were chosen.
In addition, from 11/7 - 11/14 Rock Band 4 owners will have full access to the Rivals expansion, including Rivals Mode, Online Quickplay, Rockudrama and 44 FREE songs. So have at it if you haven't purchased rivals and are still playing Rock Band regularly. If you aren't, this may be an opportunity to dust off the disc and give it another go.
ReverbNation Pack 01: