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Exclusive no more: INSIDE sets a date for PS4

by: Jeremy -
More On: Inside

Playdead’s followup to the beloved LIMBO has been getting rave reviews on both the PC and Xbox One. Meanwhile PS4 owners have been sitting on the sideline, hoping to receive news as to when they are going to get their chance to check out the game. Well, that news is finally here. INSIDE will launch on the PS4 in just a few short weeks, on August 23, 2016.

So there you have it, INSIDE will be available everywhere before the end of the month. If you aren’t familiar with the game, it follows the adventure of a young boy as he staves off death in a dark and twisted world. This is a puzzle-platformer, which means that it is all about brains over brawn. The monochromatic visual style of the game is directly in line with Playdead’s previous game, LIMBO, which was just has solemn and twisted.

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