A key component to an online multiplayer experience is how the game is hosted. Some publishers go all out and provide dedicated servers, server hosting or rental, and the like. Others choose to host the matches on the local machines running them with varying degrees of success. Anyone who played Iron Banner on Destiny last week, for example, will surely have experienced poor connections due to this local hosting, players skipping around the map, hits failing to register, and disconnecting players entirely. Titanfall 2, is taking the more secure route, by not only providing dedicated servers, but balancing that load between Microsoft's Azure, Google, and Amazon's cloud services, as well as dedicated boxes.
And coming soon will be the big test of all these toys, when the Multiplayer Technical Test goes live. Still no word on a date for that but Respawn are suggesting you sign up for the newsletter to keep up with the latest. With a late October release date and time needed not just to run the technical test but sift through the data and make the necessary adjustments, I would think it will come some time in August or early September, but that's pure speculation.
If you have more questions about Titanfall 2 servers or how the game will be hosted, Jon "Slothy" Shiring, Lead Engineer from the video below, will be taking over the Titanfall Twitter today at 2:30pm PST (5:30 EST). Use the hashtag #TF2ServerQA for server Q's or any other during topics. I never had a problem with Titanfall 1's server connections, but there were huge issues with matchmaking and matchmaking times, so there abouts went my query...
Titanfall 2 launches October 28th on PS4, Xbox One, and PC.