Zero Time Dilemma is the final installment in the Zero Escape series which started with the fantastic 999: 9 Hours, 9 Persons, 9 Doors and followed up with the equally great Virtue's Last Reward.
I don't want to go into too much detail about the story because these are very spoiler heavy games due to their visual novel style presentation but Zero Time Dilemma will take place between 999 and Virtues Last Reward and will once again feature a group of characters being trapped in a bunker and are forced to play a deadly game. This time around it's called "The Decision Game".
Today, Polygon has released a new video of the game showing off 9 minutes (I see what they did there), of english gameplay. Now, if you are trying to go into Zero Time Dilemma completely blind then I should warn this that this video does contain some massive spoilers for the other games and of course, this one as well.