I was actually sitting at my desk before lunch today thinking "Man, I'd like to play a few rounds of Titanfall again." Now, I know it's not going to happen because on PC it's a 60GB download I've long since reclaimed for much needed SSD space, and resigned myself for waiting for Titanfall 2. Well, there might just be something good cooking in the interim. Respawn are teaming up with Nexon (a Korean developer of free-to-play, micro transaction supported mobile and PC games) and have both invested in the mobile game development house Particle City (a startup founded by Respawn's own Vince Zampella and Larry Pacey) to do the heavy lifting for a multi-year, multi-game partnership to bring the Titanfall universe to the mobile gaming space. At first glance that seems kinda silly because the Titanfall universe was the least fleshed out piece of the entire package. The "Story Mode" provided little in the way of backstory, even less by means of story progression, and it probably wasn't until my 3rd or 4th playthrough that I had the remotest sense of what might actually be going on around me. I guess the good news is there are a lot of narrative gaps to fill with creative new gameplay experiences...
The first game of this partnership is expected to be released for iOS and Android sometime in 2016. But no word on what kind of game it will even be. It's probably a good thing that these mobile experiences are being outsourced as it's always to good to have developers operating in their wheelhouse and dedicated to a platform rather than trying to tack something on in a whole new environment. So it will be interesting to see how this story, and by extension the story behind Titanfall develops.