The Tokyo Game Show is currently running over in Japan and Sony, in particular, has been full of announcements over the past 12 hours or so. One of their biggest announcements, at least in my book, is that the fantastic Vita title Gravity Rush is being remastered for the PlayStation 4!
Gravity Rush Remastered will launch on February 9, 2016 here in the states. The new edition is coming courtesy of BluePoint Games and will include the original adventure, remastered in gorgeous HD and all of the DLC packs that were released on the handheld. The Vita has a variety of great games like this that were missed by so many gamers, I am very glad to see them getting a second life on the PS4.
On top of that great news, Sony also announced that a full sequel is in development and will launch later in 2016, although there were no further details provided. Check out the announce trailer for the game below: