In an age of digital downloads and bundle sales, we constantly find ourselves valuing convenience over everything else in the marketplace. Just yesterday a friend of mine was telling me about his plans to line up for the new Super Smash Bros. game at midnight, and I caught myself thinking "Why would you go through all that trouble for something you could just download at home?" But then I thought more about it. There really is a certain sense of ownership that comes with owning a physical copy of a game- even more so when you pick up a collector's edition that comes with posters, statuettes, soundtracks, maps, lunchboxes, flamethrowers, whatever the publishers can justify cramming in a box with your soon-to-be favorite game.
The idea behind IndieBox is to bring that special sense of ownership to indie games that don't normally sell physical copies. Every month they pick an indie game, design a special box for it, fill it with as much swag as they can, and include a copy of the game in the form of a USB cartridge. Their choice for September is one of my favorite arcade-style games of 2014: Vlambeer's Luftrausers.
In addition to a box with cover art by, the Luftrausers box includes: