I gave up on
Mass Effect 3's multiplayer long ago. It was about the time getting booted from the lobby if some arbitrary stat wasn't high enough became a thing that I said, "I'm out." I have, however, kept track of the Bounty Weekends, even though I haven't taken part in one in months. So I feel confident when I say that they're just phoning it in with this weekend's
Operation: Geronimo.
Are you ready for this? The objective is to earn any first-aid medal on any map on any difficulty. That's it. Earn a first-aid medal, get a commendation pack. I don't think it could be simpler. Maybe that is just the kind of challenge the player-base wants, but it's a far cry from those initial ones with goals that sounded like they were developed by Seal Team Six.
Operation: Geronimo runs from January 18th until January 20th. You can read more about it