Would you like Claptrap and/or Mr. Torgue as your ringtone, or perhaps one of the many possible notifications most smart phones have?
Well, even if you said no (And if you said no, then why did you start reading this in the first place?) they exist now thanks to Gearbox Software and their ability to know what we want before we know we want it with zero consideration for whether it should exist in the first place.
You can find them on
Borderlands 2's
official website. Just go to "
downloads," then look for "ringtones." Then one simple click (or two if you want each set) will begin the super-short download, and before you know it, you're listening to Claptrap's dubstep song he just wrote every time your phone rings. Just imagine all the strangers that will know how awesome you are should your phone ring in public.
They're short, they're free, they're compatible with both the iPhone and Android devices, and if you love
Borderlands 2's sense of humor, they're completely awesome.