Sony has
revealed the next game in line for the Collection treatment on the PlayStation 3. The Resistance series is getting compiled and updated for release exclusively on the PlayStation 3 later this Winter. Following in the same vain as the God of War SAGA, Ratchet & Clank Collection, and the inFAMOUS Collection, the
Resistance Collection combines all three entries in the now-classic series into a single package.
With the single, $39.99 purchase, you will get Resistance, Resistance 2, and Resistance 3 along with additional, bonus DLC content for the second and third games. The final release date for the package hasn’t been decided but it is targeted to launch before Spring (which doesn’t rule out an early 2013 release).
I really like the trend Sony is setting by compiling their older titles into these collections for a discounted price. As someone who came late to the PS3 party, there are still some series that I have yet to dip my toes into, and this is the perfect chance for me (and others) to do just that.