In anticipation of
Diablo III's upcoming launch,
Blizzard has revealed more details concerning the in-game auction house and recently revealed Global Play feature for A comprehensive guide is now online that includes details regarding buying and selling items, how real-money transactions work, and account security requirements for players that use the real-money auction house. The auction house using in-game gold will be available when Diablo III launches on May 15, with the real-money auction house opening its doors around one week later. For the all the details concerning the auction house, be sure to read the
comprehensive guide and its
In addition, Blizzard has also revealed details for the new Global Play functionality. The Global Play feature will allow gamers to switch between three different game regions:
The Americas - For players in the US, Canada, Latin America, Australia, New Zealand, and Southeast Asia.
Europe - For players in the European Union, Eastern Europe, Russia, Africa, and Middle Eastern countries such as Israel and the United Arab Emirates.
Asia - For players in South Korea and the regions of Taiwan, Hong Kong, and Macau.
Gamers can switch to the different game regions using an in-game menu that's accessible before and after logging into the game. Characters, items, and friends lists are not transferrable to other game regions. Each gamer will be accessing a unique set of characters, items, and auction houses for each of the regions. The real-money auction house can only be accessed through a gamer's "home" region, which is determined through their account information.
Diablo III will be available on May 15 for Windows PC and Mac.