Spring Training starts in a couple of weeks. All over the country, baseball fans are gearing up for another amazing season of Major League Baseball. It doesn't matter if your favorite team is the Yankees or the Pirates, this time of year is one of infinite hope. "This will be their year" is what we're all saying to ourselves, while conveniently forgetting that we said the same thing last year before our hometown nine went on to lose 100 games. Instead we forget about that and dream home run dreams until June roles around and "their year" invariable becomes "next year."
MLB 2K12 slides into home in exactly one month on March 9th.
For those that are interested, the music track is "Get Found" by Bass Drum of Death and apparently you can download it now.
Furthermore, if you haven't yet checked out this year's million dollar perfect game challenge, you can do that at 2kgame.es/MLB2K12.