In addition to allowing cross platform play between the PC and the PlayStation 3, it has also been announced that
Portal 2 will support user created levels on all available platforms.
The information was revealed by Valve’s Chet Faliszek in an interview with According to the interview, the toolkit required to build the levels will only be available on the PC platform but can and will be distributed on the PlayStation 3 and Xbox 360 as well. User-created levels will be distributed through the new Steamworks feature while discussions are still occurring on how the levels will be distributed on the 360. User created content will definitely add infinite replay value to what should already be an incredible game. Remember, Portal 2 launches on April 19, 2011.
Valve has also released a new batch of hi-res screenshots from the game, depicting some of the cooperative action in the game. Granted, these aren’t actual screenshots of gameplay, but it is still something that will get fans excited for the pending release. You can find them below courtesy of