THQ has released a new trailer and some screenshots showing off some of the biggest features of Smackdown vs. Raw 2011, namely the effect of the new WWE Universe feature / mode. The new WWE Universe feature will alter and shape the world within your game around the actions and decisions that you make during your time with the game. Everything that you do within the game has an impact on the rest of the game...
As you play through any of the modes in the game, the AI will pay attention and alter the wrestling world around your game accordingly. As you interact with different characters, new relationships and feuds will be born and reflected throughout. You end up, basically, running your own WWE Universe.
THQ has also added a lot more customization options to the game overall, allowing you to tweak things throughout the game as you please. Players can easily adjust show rosters, forms stables, create feuds, and even make slight alterations to the wrestling styles of the characters. All of these details are outlined in the latest video which you can see below. You can also find some new screenshots from THQ for both the Wii and HD versions of the game below...