A Gratuitous deal
Amidst the E3 chaos, Positech games is selling the humorously titled
Gratuitous Space Battles at a discount. You can get the game plus its three expansions for the budget price of $25.95, but only from the gam's
website. That's a decent amount of game for that price, and the title alone deserves at least a look.
Wiltshire, Earth, Milky Way June 15th 2010
What could be more gratuitous than a space battle? How about a gratuitous discount?
Following on from wading through responses to his 'why didn't you buy GSB' question from a week ago, Indie game developer cliff harris is releasing a gratuitous collectors edition at a cheeky bargain price.
You can now get Gratuitous Space Battles Plus the Tribe expansion plus the Order expansion plus the Swarm expansion for just $25.95. Thats means you get to eradicate 7 different races of aliens and blast their fleets into smithereens, rather than just the normal four. How can you resist! Plus its all in one handy installer with minimal fuss.
Right now, this offer is available only direct from the developers website at www.gratuitousspacebattles.com