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Spider-Man:Shattered Dimensions gets a new trailer and a pre-order bonus

by: Chuck -
More On: Spider-Man: Shattered Dimensions
With the success of Batman:Arkham Asylum last year you would think that Spider-Man would be due for a decent video game adaption soon.  Sure there was the movie-tie in game a few years ago that didn't completely suck but I don't think anyone was considering that game for Game of the Year.  Spider-Man Shattered Dimensions looks like it has a lot of potential as you get to play four different versions of Peter Parker (this trailer highlights three of those) and I'm interested to see how the play mechanics work out. 

If that footage is enought to sell you on the game now you can pre-order the game from Amazon and receive an art book and an alternate costume for the 2099 version of Spider-Man.  Check back next week for our impressions of the game.