Over the last couple weeks we've seen a lot from the PS3 and 360 builds of
PoP Forgotten Sands, but this is our first good look at the Wii version. Ubisoft's been saying that it's a totally separate game and they aren't kidding--it stars the same Prince but looks to have an entirely different story and setting. I don't know if Forgotten Sands Wii takes place before or after the events of the PS3/360 version but the gameplay and atmosphere really remind me of the original Sands of Time.
The environments look very natural and the architecture has that clean appearance from the first game. The Prince has apparently found the perfect kingdom to settle down in, but as always there's a curse he has to break. Maybe the Dahaka shows up and chases him into his 7-year period of hiding. In any case I'm looking forward to playing both the 360 and Wii builds--I'm a big PoP fan and there's still a lot of the Prince's story to see.