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If you're still eating "freedom fries", don't read this release about Two Worlds II`

by: Ben Berry -
More On: Two Worlds II
If you still think baguettes, soufles, and the beret are anti-american as the sentiment was a few years ago, this story is not for you. The enclosed press release is in *gasp* french! Come to think of it, this post IS for you, because you clearly need to catch up to the fact that Morocco is now the defacto country to hate as un-american. I'm not sure why they were chosen, probably by some right wing gasbag on Fox. Pretty soon we'll see a pretentious response from Hollywood that's equally far from center. Maybe Matthew McShirtless will do the right thing and donate his abs for use in making a PSA regarding all thats good about the Moroccan people. Seeing that I've gone pretty far away from the point (and the truth for that matter), I'm going to turn the rest of this post over to the multi-lingual folks from Topware Interactive to provide you the details of their site update and contest. I need to go make my "Free Morocco" poster anyways....
“Two Worlds II” - Un Cadeau de Noël en avance !
+++ Nouvelle page Internet pour le hit JDR - un paquet d'informations jamais publiées à ce jour +++
Las Vegas, 18 décembre 2009 - L'univers du nouveau JDR "Two Worlds II" n'en finit pas de s'étendre dans les couloirs secrets du développeur Reality Pump. Afin de tenir tous les fans au courant des rapides progrès et de leur apporter les dernières informations sur la jouabilité, l'histoire, les monstres et autres détails importants du monde d'Antaloor, notre page extensive sur le jeu a fait son entrée en ligne à l'adresse www.twoworlds2.com. Vous pouvez flâner dans les différentes sections, telles que "Histoire" ou "Bestiaire" et visiter la Pinacothèque pour y découvrir les derniers artworks, captures et fichiers multimédias sur Antaloor.
A cette période de l'année, il est d'autant plus intéressant de visiter cette page, que le Calendrier de l'Avent ouvre une de ses portes chaque jour. Vous aurez peut-être la chance de remporter des lots dont la valeur totale dépasse les 10 000 dollars US ! Et ce n'est pas tout, les prix principaux regroupent un PC de jeu professionnel d'une valeur de 1 000 dollars US, une Xbox 360® et une PlayStation®3 !

“Two Worlds II” - Early Christmas Gift!
+++ New Internet page for the RPG phenomenon - packed full of hitherto unpublished details +++
Las Vegas, December 18th 2009 – the new RPG universe of “Two Worlds II” is expanding rapidly in Reality Pump's top-secret developer halls. And to help all you fans keep up to date with this rapid progress and provide you with the latest information on gameplay, story, monsters and other important info about the world of Antaloor, our comprehensive game page has now gone online at www.twoworlds2.com. You can browse through different sections, like “Story” or “Bestiary” - and a visit to the Pinacotheca will reveal Antaloor's latest artworks, screens and multimedia files.
This time of the year, you'll benefit in two ways if you visit the page - because the “Two Worlds II” Advent calendar is still opening one of its doors every day - and you can win prizes totaling more than 10,000 US dollars! And that's not all - the main prizes are a professional gaming PC worth 1,000 US dollars, an Xbox 360® and a PlayStation®3!
