Boy, first Blizzard now Infinity Ward. In this
podcast, Robert Bowling confirms that PC folks won't be able to run dedicated servers anymore with
Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2. Talk of this is about 1 hour and 42 minutes into the podcast. Great. The PC community loves to run MODs and love dedicated servers because of how fair it is and offer up better performance than listen servers. So, what's going to happen when everything moved to IW.NET?
I'm getting a little agitated with how things are changing and it doesn't seem like it's for the better. I maybe wrong but removing the ability to do dedicated servers really puts a damper on things. All of Valve's games use dedicated servers with great success for example as well as many other PC games. I don't like the sound of what IW's doing but I guess we'll see after a few months how it goes.