Yes, my review of
Command & Conquer Red Alert 3: Uprising is late. That's what happens sometimes when you come to a place maintained by folks with regular 8 to 5 jobs on top of their
pro bono work for a gaming site. Still, here are ten things that ran through my head during my playtime so far with
- Hey! You guys are infantry. Tighten up the formation, you maggots!
- Halt! Never mind! Spread out so you can let the freaking engineer by! Gosh!
- Okay, now the giant floaty head thingy is starting to annoy me. Aaaand now my base is gone.
- This science lab needs to put some research points into its repetitive architecture.
- Why is there so much T&A on the screen, yet ... so little T&A on the screen?
- My wife is going to be pissed that I just typed these actresses names into Google Images.
- Did this cast enroll in the Need for Speed School of Acting?
- I ... I can't tell if Izumi is naive or bitter or outright megalomaniacal.
- Easy? You freaking call this the easy difficulty level?
- See those BioShock-looking Desolator Troopers? Yeah, Ken Levine's gonna sue.